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陈文杰,男,籍贯江西吉安,研究员,硕士研究生导师,广东省卫健委引进高层次人才(珠江青年拔尖人才)。2020年12月以南山学者骨干人才特聘教授加入药学院,专业方向是核酸药物、生物大分子疫苗、分子药剂学。2011年本科毕业于中国药科大学药学院;2014年硕士毕业于中国农业科学院;2018年博士毕业于澳大利亚麦考瑞大学/新南威尔士大学纳米生物光子学中心(ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics,导师Ewa M. Glodys澳洲工程院院士),随后在美国明尼苏达大学、弗吉尼亚联邦大学博后工作两年。主要研究方向是用于基因/药物/疫苗的转送载体,近期在研脂质纳米粒LNP递送DNA/mRNA核酸疫苗,siRNA/CRISPR编辑的癌症免疫疗法,靶向多肽药物/疫苗。主要学术业绩有:以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI文章多篇,他引>1000次,h-index16;英文专著一章。中国生物工程学会会员、中国药学会会员,SCI杂志Military Medical Research 科学编辑(science editor),Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 审理编辑(review editor),广州医科大学创新创业学院导师,国家留学基金委公派留学项目评审专家。















广东省珠江学者青年拔尖人才,VCU药学院博士后学术奖;麦考瑞大学国际生优秀研究奖学金(iMQRES);麦考瑞大学博士研究生研究基金(PGRF);悉尼癌症转化研究计划Sydney Vital fellowship on Flag Nanotechnology提名。


期刊文章:2024 updated at ORCID website: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9512-9664

1. Li, Y., Inam, M., Hasan, M. W., Chen, K., Zhang, Z., Zhu, Y., ... & Li, M. (2024). Optimizing Antitumor Effect of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer via Rosmarinic Acid–β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex. Pharmaceutics, 16(11), 1408.

2. Yang, Y., Qi, J., Hu, J., Zhou, Y., Zheng, J., Deng, W., ... & Chen, W. (2024). Lovastatin/SN38 co-loaded liposomes amplified ICB therapeutic effect via remodeling the immunologically-cold colon tumor and synergized stimulation of cGAS-STING pathway. Cancer Letters, 216765.

3. Inam, M., Sareh Sadat, M. F., & Chen, W. (2023). Cyclodextrin Based Host-Guest Inclusion Complex, an Approach to Enhancing the Physicochemical and Biopharmaceutical Application of Poorly Water-soluble Drugs. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 39(6), 857-861.

4. Inam, M., Yang, Y., Hu, J., Zheng, J., Deng, W., Zhou, Y., ... & Chen, W. (2023). Cocrystallization of Gefitinib Potentiate Single-Dose Oral Administration for Lung Tumor Eradication via Unbalancing the DNA Damage/Repair. Pharmaceutics, 15(12), 2713.

5. Qi, J., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Long, H., Dong, L., Wan, P., ... & Song, Z. (2023). High-Salt-Diet (HSD) aggravates the progression of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) via regulating epithelial necroptosis. Molecular Biomedicine, 4(1), 28.

6. Yang, Y., Luo, D., Inam, M., Hu, J., Zhou, Y., Xu, C., & Chen, W. (2022). A scientometrics study of the nanomedicines assisted in respiratory diseases. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10.

7. Zhou, Y., Mo, M., Luo, D., Yang, Y., Hu, J., Ye, C., ... & Chen, W. (2022). Evolutionary Trend Analysis of Research on 5-ALA Delivery and Theranostic Applications Based on a Scientometrics Study. Pharmaceutics, 14(7), 1477.

8. Qi J; Zhou Y; Zhu Z; *Xu C; *Chen W. Prognostic Value of the RNA editing enzyme: ADAR1, and Its As-sociation with Immune Cells Infiltration in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Genes & Diseases. In proof. 2022.

9. Zhou Y; Deng W; Mo M; Luo D; Liu H; Jiang Y; *Chen W; *Xu C. Stimuli-Responsive Nanoplatform-Assisted Photodynamic Therapy Against Bacterial Infections. Frontiers in Medicine, 2021, 8(X).

10. *Chen W, *Deng W, & Goldys EM (2020) Light-induced liposomes for cancer therapeutics. Progress in Lipid Research. Online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plipres.2020.101052.

11. Zhou S, Chen W, Cole J, & Zhu G. (2020). Delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics for cancer immunotherapy. Medicine in Drug Discovery, 100023. In Press.

12. *Deng W, Chen W, Clement S, Guller A, Zhao Z, Eagle A, *Goldys EM (2018). X-ray triggered liposomal delivery system for gene knockdown and chemotherapy, Nature Communication, 9 (1), 2713. IF=12.1.

13. Chen W, Zhao X, Deng W, Vo J, Goldys EM, *Cui H(2018). Magnetically and photochemically triggered nanomaterial platforms for non-viral DNA delivery. Journal of Gene Medicine 20 (1).

14. Chen W, *Deng W, & *Goldys EM (2017). Light-triggerable liposomes for enhanced endolysosomal escape and gene silencing in PC12 cells. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 7, 366-377.

15. #Clement S, #Chen W, Deng W, Goldys EM (2018). Folic acid conjugated biodegradable nanoparticle – photosensitizer matrix for targeted deep tumour therapy, #co-first authors, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 13, 3553. IF=5.1。#共同一作。

16. Clement S, Chen W, Anwer AG, & Goldys EM (2017). Verteprofin conjugated to gold nanoparticles for fluorescent cellular bioimaging and X-ray mediated photodynamic therapy. Microchimica Acta, 184(6), 1765-1771. IF=6.2

17. Chen W, Deng W, Vo J, *Goldys EM (2017). Enhanced plasmid DNA delivery from photo-triggered stealth liposomes. Molecular Therapy, 25 (5), 220. IF=8.9

18. Chen W, *Deng W, Xu X, Zhao X, Vo JN, Anwer AG, Williams TC, Cui H, *Goldys EM (2018). Photoresponsive endosomal escape enhances gene delivery using liposome–polycation–DNA (LPD) nanovectors. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 6, 5269-5281. IF=5.3

19. #Zhao X, #Meng Z, #Wang Y, Chen W, Sun, C, Cui, B, Yu M, Zeng Z, Guo S, Luo D, Cheng JQ, Zhang R, *Cui H (2017). Pollen magnetofection for genetic modification with magnetic nanoparticles as gene carriers. Nature Plants 3, 956–964. #co-first authors. IF=13.3

20. Chen W, Deng W, Vo J, *Goldys EM. Photochemically activated liposomal platform for enhanced nuclei acids delivery. Human Gene Therapy (Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. A122-A123). IF=4.3


1. Chen W, Deng W, Goldys EM. Light enhances endosomal escape and DNA delivery. Oral, 2017 International Conference on BioNano Innovation 24-27 September 2017, Brisbane.

2. Chen W, Deng W & Goldys EM. Enhanced gene silencing mediated by photoresponsive liposomes. Deng W, Goldys EM. Enhanced gene silencing mediated by photoresponsive liposomes. Poster. SPIE BioPhotonics Australasia, 17-19 Oct 2016, Adelaide. DOI: 10.1117/12.2244465.

3. Chen W, Zhao X, Cui J, Cui H, Wang Y & Goldys EM. Characterization and Cell Con-Transfection Using Liposomal Magnetic Nanoparticles. 6th International Nanomedicine Conference. 6 - 8 July 2015, Sydney.

4. Chen W, Lipid nanoparticles-based nucleic acids delivery for cancer immunotherapy and vaccine development, Biofocus CNBP Seminar, (GSBmE) UNSW Sydney, July 2022

Book chapters:


1. Chen W, Deng W, Goldys EM*. Chapter 3: Recent developments of light - triggered liposome nanosystems for cancer treatments. Functional lipid nanosystems in cancer. Edited by Marlene Lucio, Carla M. Lopes, M. Elisabete C.D. Real Oliveira. Copyright c 2021 Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. ISBN 978-981-4877-26-8 (Hardcover), 978-1-003-05699-7 (eBook).


(1) Wenjie Chen; Chuanshan Xu; You Zhou; Jianye Zhang ; The LNPs loaded with L-leucyl-Lleucine methyl ester (LLOMe) as an Adjuvant to Potentiate Cancer Vaccines and thereof, 2023-11-24, WIPO, PCT/CN2023/133954 (专利)
(2) 许川山; 周友; 陈文杰 ; 一种含 LLOMe 的疫苗佐剂及其疫苗组合物与应用, 2023-10-5, 中国, 2023113908998 (专利)
(3) 陈文杰; 伊纳姆·穆罕默德; 周友; 杨仪 ; 一种提升抗癌效果的可口服吉非替尼复合物及其制备方法与应用, 2023-11-17, 中国, 2023115393426 (专利)