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主要社会兼职:中国药理学会副理事长(国家一级学会)、中国药理学会表观遗传药理学专业委员会主任委员, 广东省药理学会理事长/名誉理事长/监事长,广东省药品监管科学学会副会长;中国药学会药学教育专业委员会委员、广东省药学教指委副主任委员。曾任中国病理生理学会心血管专业委员会主任委员/名誉主任委员、国际心脏研究会(ISHR)中国分会副主席,ISHR中国转化医学工作委员会共同名誉主任委员;国家973计划第四届健康科学领域咨询组专家,国家自然科学基金二审专家。

主要聚焦于肺源性心脏病的拓展研究(特别是肺癌并发心功能损伤),从事分子临床药理学、表观遗传药理学、分子药剂生物学研发工作。先后承担国家重点研发计划 “战略性科技创新合作”重点专项1项(首席科学家)、国家自然科学基金7项(其中重点3项)、国家973计划3项(其中独立课题1项)、国家教学改革项目1项,省市级科研课题20多项。主持完成新药I期临床试验和生物等效性(BE)试验60多项,新药临床前研究20多项。迄今在国内外学术刊物上发表论文600多篇,其中国际SCI论文260篇(IF>10的SCI论文80多篇)。先后荣获广东省政府科学技术奖5项(其中一等奖2项),广东省医药卫生科技进步奖5项(其中一等奖3项),已获国内外发明专利40多项。主持获得的主要奖项有:省部级科技成果一等奖2项、二等奖3项,医学科学奖5项,日内瓦国际发明金奖1项,华夏医学科技奖1项,中国产学研合作创新成果奖1项。入选Stanford-Elservier药学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜,以及700万全球学者学术影响力排行榜(前2%)。广东省卫生系统“五个一科教兴医工程”学术与技术带头人,第八届广东省丁颖科技奖,南粤优秀教育工作者,广州医科大学黄大年式教师团队负责人,广州最美科技工作者。


1. Lei X, Li Z, Huang M, Huang L, Huang Y, Lv S, Zhang W, Chen Z, Ke Y, Li S, Chen J, Yang X, Deng Q, Liu J, Yu XY#. Gli1-mediated tumor cell-derived bFGF promotes tumor angiogenesis and pericyte coverage in non-small cell lung cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Mar 16;43(1):83. doi: 10.1186/s13046-024-03003-0.

2. Xiao YY, Xia LX, Jiang WJ, Qin JF, Zhao LX, Li Z, Huang LJ, Li KX, Yu PJ, Wei L, Jiang XY, Chen ZS, Yu XY#. Cardiopulmonary progenitors facilitate cardiac repair via exosomal transfer of miR-27b-3p targeting the SIK1-CREB1 axis. Cell Prolif. 2024 Jan;e13593. doi: 10.1111/cpr.13593.

3. Xia LX, Xiao YY, Jiang WJ, Yang XY, Tao H, Mandukhail SR, Qin JF, Pan QR, Zhu YG, Zhao LX, Huang LJ, Li Z, Yu XY#. Exosomes derived from induced cardiopulmonary progenitor cells alleviate acute lung injury in mice. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2024 Apr 8. doi: 10.1038/s41401-024-01253-4.

4. Wu Q, Liu WJ, Ma XY, Chang JS, Zhao XY, Liu YH, Yu XY#. Zonisamide attenuates pressure overload-induced myocardial hypertrophy in mice through proteasome inhibition. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2024 Apr;45(4):738-750. doi: 10.1038/s41401-023-01191-7.

5. Cen H, Sun M, Zheng B, Peng W, Wen Q, Lin Z, Zhang X, Zhou N, Zhu G, Yu XY#, Zhang L#, Liang L#. Hyaluronic acid modified nanocarriers for aerosolized delivery of verteporfin in the treatment of acute lung injury. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024 Apr 4:131386. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131386.

6. Li KX, Li JR, Zuo SJ, Li X, Chen XT, Xiao PY, Li HT, Sun L, Qian T, Zhang HM, Zhu D, Yu XY#, Chen G#, Jiang XY#. Identification of miR-20b-5p as an inhibitory regulator in cardiac differentiation via TET2 and DNA hydroxymethylation. Clin Epigenetics. 2024 Mar 15;16(1):42. doi: 10.1186/s13148-024-01653-7.

7. Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Rao XN, Huang CY, Zhou HY, Yu XY, Jiang XY, Li SY. Chemotherapy-Enabled Colorectal Cancer Immunotherapy of Self-Delivery Nano-PROTACs by Inhibiting Tumor Glycolysis and Avoiding Adaptive Immune Resistance. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 Jan 18:e2309204. doi: 10.1002/advs.202309204.

8. Yang C, Rubin L, Yu XY, Lazarovici P, Zheng W. Preclinical evidence using synthetic compounds and natural products indicates that AMPK represents a potential pharmacological target for the therapy of pulmonary diseases. Med Res Rev. 2024 May;44(3):1326-1369. doi: 10.1002/med.22014.

9. Zheng Y, Yi H, Zhan Z, Xue SS, Tang G, Yu XY, Zhang DY. Reactive oxygen/nitrogen species scavenging and inflammatory regulation by renal-targeted bio-inspired rhodium nanozymes for acute kidney injury theranostics. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2024 May 15;662:413-425. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2024.02.054.

10. Wang Y, Tan WY, Li XY, Zhang XJ, Chen CY, Wu XY, and Yu XY*. Effect of m6A Methylation Modification on IncRNA ENST00000425005 in Doxorubicin Resistance and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Progression in Lung Cancer Cells. J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 2024; 20(1):1–10.

11. Wu Q, Zou S, Liu W, Liang M, Chen Y, Chang J, Liu Y, Yu XY#. A novel onco-cardiological mouse model of lung cancer-induced cardiac dysfunction and its application in identifying potential roles of tRNA-derived small RNAs. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023; 165:115117.

12. Zhou Z, Gu Y, Wu LX, Wang Y, Xu HY, Ma L, Zhang ZY, Zhao JC, Zhang W, Wei Peng W, Yang G, Yu XY, Xu HT, Yi W. Organo-Se BTSAs-enabled performance: From racemic and asymmetric synthesis to click chemistry application. Chem, 2023; 9:1–12.

13. Zhao LP, Rao XN, Zheng RR, Huang C, Kong R, Yu XY#, Cheng H#, Li SY#. Targeting glutamine metabolism with photodynamic immunotherapy for metastatic tumor eradication.  J Control Release. 2023; 357:460-471.

14. Liang L, Xu W, Shen A, Fu X, Cen H, Wang S, Lin Z, Zhang L, Lin F, Zhang X, Zhou N, Chang J, Chen ZS, Li C, Yu XY#. Inhibition of YAP1 activity ameliorates acute lung injury through promotion of M2 macrophage polarization. MedComm(2020). 2023; 4(3): e293.

15. Xu W, Du L, Yu L, Cen H, Lin F, Wang S, Ruan Z, Lin Z, Zhang X, Zhou N, Chang J, Yu XY#, Zhang L#, Liang L#. The mirrored cationic peptide as miRNA vehicle for efficient lung cancer therapy. MedComm(2020). 2023; 4(4):e273.

16. Lin Z, He H, Xian Y, Cai J, Ge Q, Guo M, Zheng Q, Liu X, Mo C, Zhang X, Qi W, Zhang Y, Liang L, Yu XY#, Zhu YZ#. Discovery of deoxyandrographolide and its novel effect on vascular senescence by targeting HDAC1. MedComm(2020). 2023; 4(5):e338.

17. Xie J, Wang H, Huang Q, Lin J, Wen H, Miao Y, Lv L, Ruan D, Yu XY, Qin L, Zhou Y. Enhanced cytotoxicity to lung cancer cells by mitochondrial delivery of camptothecin. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2023; 189: 106561.

18. Zhang DY, Liang Y, Wang M, Younis MR, Yi H, Zhao X, Chang J, Zheng Y, Guo W, Yu XY#. Self-Assembled Carrier-Free Nanodrugs for Starvation Therapy-Amplified Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer. Adv Healthc Mater. 20231220):e2203177.

19. Tang GS, Luo ZY, Lian LM, Guo J, Maharjan S, Garciamendez-Mijares CE, Wang M, Li WL, Zhang ZR, Wang D, Xie MB, Ravanbakhsh H, Zhou CP, Kuang X, Hou YY, Yu XY, Zhang YS. Liquid-embedded (bio)printing of alginate-free, standalone, ultrafine, and ultrathin-walled cannular structures. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2023;120(7):e2206762120.

20. Fu JJ, Liu CC, Feng GM, Li SP, Yu YY, Du LR, Zhang JY, Zhang Y, Lei XP*, Dai XY*, Yu XY*. Activatable unsaturated liposomes increase lipid peroxide of cell membrane and inhibit tumor growth. Biomaterials Advances, 2023; 147: 213323. doi.org/10.1016/ j.bioadv.2023.213323

21. Jiao LJ#, Liu YH#, Yu XY#, Pan XB#, Zhang Y, Tu JC, Song YH*, Li Y*. Ribosome biogenesis in disease: new players and therapeutic targets. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2023;8(1):15. doi: 10.1038/s41392-022-01285-4.

22. Zhao LP, Rao XN, Huang CY, Zheng RR, Kong RJ, Chen ZX, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Epigenetic reprogramming of carrier free photodynamic modulator to activate tumor immunotherapy by EZH2 inhibition. Biomaterials. 2023; 293:121952. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121952.

23. Huang JR, Zhang MH, Chen YJ, Sun YL, Gao ZM, Li ZJ, Zhang GP, Qin Y, Dai XY, Yu XY*, Wu XQ*. Urolithin A ameliorates obesity-induced metabolic cardiomyopathy in mice via mitophagy activation. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2023; 44(2):321-331.

24. Li XB, Rekep M, Tian JH, Wu Q, Chen M, Yang S, Zhang LX, Zhang GP, Qin Y, Yu XY, Xue Q, Liu YH. Luteolin Attenuates Diabetic Myocardial Hypertrophy by Inhibiting Proteasome Activity. Pharmacology, 2023;108(1):47-60.

25. Wang M, Liang Y, Liao F, Younis MR, Zheng Y, Zhao X, Yu XY*, Guo W*, Zhang DY*. Iridium Tungstate Nanozyme-Mediated Hypoxic Regulation and Anti-inflammation for Duplex Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy of Metastatic Breast Tumors. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2022;14(51):56471-56482. doi: 10.1021/acsami.2c14799.

26. Liang L, Cen HY, Huang JH, Qin AP, Xu WY, Wang SR, Chen ZJ, Tan L, Zhang QQ, Yu XY*, Yang X*, Zhang LM*. The reversion of DNA methylation-induced miRNA silence via biomimetic nanoparticles-mediated gene delivery for efficient lung adenocarcinoma therapy. Mol Cancer. 2022; 21:186(1-19).

27. Wu XQ, Huang JR, Tang JY, Sun YL, Zhao GJ, Yan CS, Liu ZH, Yi W, Xu SW*, Yu XY*. Isoginkgetin, a bioactive constituent from Ginkgo Biloba, protects against obesity-induced cardiomyopathy via enhancing Nrf2/ARE signaling. Redox Biology. 2022; 57: 102485(1-13).

28. Lei XP, Li Z, Zhong YH, Li SP, Chen JC , Ke YY, Lv A, Huang LJ, Pan QR, Zhao LX, Yang XY, Chen ZS*, Deng QD*, Yu XY*. Gli 1 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis of non-small cell lung carcinoma by regulating snail transcriptional activity and stability. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2022; 12(10):3877-3890.

29. Liu YJ, Kyne M, Wang S, Wang S, Yu XY*, Wang C*.  A User-Friendly Platform for Single-Cell Raman Spectroscopy Analysis. Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2022; 282:121686.

30. Liang L#, Xu WY#, Shen A#, Cen HY, Chen ZJ, Tan L, Zhang LM, Zhang Y, Fu JJ, Qin AP, Lei XP, Li SP, Qin YY*, Huang JH*, Yu XY*. Promoter methylation-regulated miR-148a-3p inhibits lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) progression by targeting MAP3K9. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2022;43(11):2946-2955.doi: 10.1038/s41401-022-00893-8.

31. Song H, Zhang J, Liu B, Xu J, Cai B, Yang H, Straube J, Yu XY*, Ma T*. Biological roles of RNA m5C modification and its implications in Cancer immunotherapy. Biomark Res. 2022;10(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s40364-022-00362-8

32. Li G, He H, Zheng G, Jiang W, Du S, Tao H, Xiao T, Zhou D, Ding S, Yu XY, Zhang Y, Shen A. Direct Detection of Pulmonary Fibrosis by Near-Infrared-Responsive Biomimetic Platelets. Int J Nanomedicine. 2022;17:151-162.

33. Yang LY, Lin YS, Zhang J, Huang JH, Qin AP, Miao YL, Wang P, Yu XY*, Wang L*, Zhang LM*. Biomimetic metal-organic frameworks navigated biological bombs for efficient lung cancer therapy. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2022; 625:532-543.

34. Tao X, He H, Peng J, Xu R, Fu J, Hu Y, Li L, Yang X, Feng X, Zhang C, Zhang L, Yu XY, Shen A, Huang K, Fu Q. Overexpression of PDE4D in mouse liver is sufficient to trigger NAFLD and hypertension in a CD36-TGF-β1 pathway: therapeutic role of roflumilast. Pharmacol Res. 2022; 175:106004.

35. Huang JQ, Zhao LP, Zhou X, Liu LS, Zheng RR, Deng FA, Liu YB, Yu XY, Li SY, Cheng H. Carrier Free O2-Economizer for Photodynamic Therapy Against Hypoxic Tumor by Inhibiting Cell Respiration. Small. 2022;18(15):e2107467.

36. Huang XT#, Sun P#, Qin YY#, Wang XJ, Wang MY, Lin YT, Zhou RQ, Hu WH, Liu QF, Yu XY*, Aiping Qin*. Disulfiram attenuated MCMV-Induced pneumonia by inhibition of NF-B/NLRP3 signaling pathway in immunocompromised mice. Int Immunopharmacol. 2022; 103: 108453.

37. Lin Z, Deng Q, Fang Q, Li X, Liu X, Wang J, Chen S, Huang X, Yang L, Miao Y, Yu XY*. Black phosphorus nanoparticles for dual therapy of non-small cell lung cancer. J Drug Target, 2022; 30(6): 614-622.

38. Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Kong RJ, Huang CY, Rao XN, Yang N, Chen AL, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Self-delivery ternary bioregulators for photodynamic amplified immunotherapy by tumor microenvironment reprogramming. ACS Nano, 2022; 16(1):1182-1197.

39. Lin Z, Chang J, Li X, Wang J, Wu X, Liu X, Zhu Y*, Yu XY*. Association of DNA methylation and transcriptome reveals epigenetic etiology of heart failure. Funct Integr Genomics, 2022 Feb; 22(1):89-112.

40. Zhao LP, Chen SY, Zheng RR, Kong RJ, Rao XN, Chen AL, Cheng H*, Zhang DW*, Li SY*, Yu XY*. Self-delivery nanomedicine for glutamine-starvation enhanced photodynamic tumor therapy. Adv Healthc Mater. 2022; 11(3): 2102038.

41. Qin YY, Huang XR, Zhang J, Wu W, Chen J, Wan S, Yu XY*, Lan HY*. Neuropeptide Y attenuates cardiac remodeling and deterioration of function following myocardial infarction. Mol Ther. 2022; 30(2):881-897.

42. Ding F, Lu L, Wu C, Pan X, Liu B, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wu W, Yan B, Zhang Y, Yu XY, Li Y. circHIPK3 prevents cardiac senescence by acting as a scaffold to recruit ubiquitin ligase to degrade HuR. Theranostics. 2022;12:7550-7566.

43. Peng QS, Li H, Deng QD, Liang L, Wang F, Lin YS, Yang LY, Zhang Y*, Yu XY*, Zhang LM*. Hybrid artificial cell-mediated epigenetic inhibition in metastatic lung cancer. J Colloid Interface Sci, 2021; 603:319-332.

44. Zheng CP, Wu AP, Zhai XY, Ji H, Chen ZK, Chen X*, Yu XY*. The cellular immunotherapy of integrated photothermal anti-oxidation Pd-Se nanoparticles in inhibition of the macrophage inflammatory response in rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2021; 11(7):1993-2003.

45. Lin Y, Li S, Xiao Z, Chen S, Yang L, Peng Q, Li H, Fu J*, Yu XY*, Zhang L*. Epigenetic inhibition assisted chemotherapeutic treatment of lung cancer based on artificial exosomes. Pharmacol Res. 2021 Sep;171:105787.

46. Zhou WM, Yan YY, Guo QR, Ji H, Wang H, Xu TT, Makabel B, Pilarsky C, He G*, Yu XY*, Zhang JY*. Microfluidics applications for high-throughput single cell sequencing. J Nanobiotechnology. 2021;19(1):312.

47. Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Liu LS, Chen XY, Guan RT, Yang N, Chen AL, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Self-delivery oxidative stress amplifier for chemotherapy sensitized immunotherapy. Biomaterials 2021; 275: 120970.

48. Li XY, Deng FA, Zheng RR, Liu LS, Liu YB, Kong RJ, Chen AL, Yu XY, Li SY, Cheng H. Carrier Free Photodynamic Synergists for Oxidative Damage Amplified Tumor Therapy. Small. 2021;17(40):e2102470.

49. Li JX, Zhang LM, Liu CC, Wu QN, Li SP, Lei XP, Huang YG, Feng GN, Yu XY, Sun XQ, Guo ZM, Fu JJ. Doxorubicin-loaded hydrogen peroxide self-providing copper nanodots for combination of chemotherapy and acid-induced chemodynamic therapy against breast cancer. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2021; 593: 323-334.

50. Zheng RR, Zhao LP, Liu LS, Deng FA, Chen XY, Jiang XY, Wang C, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Self-delivery nanomedicine to overcome drug resistance for synergistic chemotherapy. Biomater Sci. 2021;9(9):3445-3452.

51. Deng QD, Lei XP, Zhong YH, Chen MS, Ke YY, Li Z, Chen J, Huang LJ, Zhang Y, Liang L, Lin ZX, Liu Q, Li SP, Yu XY*. Triptolide suppresses the growth and metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer by inhibiting β-catenin-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2021; 42(9):1486-1497.

52. Li H, Li SP, Lin YS, Chen S, Yang LY, Huang X, Wang H*, Yu XY*, Zhang LM*. Artificial exosomes mediated spatiotemporal-resolved and targeted delivery of epigenetic inhibitors. J Nanobiotechnology. 2021; 19(1):364.

53. Wang H, Shi W, Zeng D, Huang Q, Xie J, Wen H, Li J, Yu XY, Qin L, Zhou Y. pH-activated, mitochondria-targeted, and redox-responsive delivery of paclitaxel nanomicelles to overcome drug resistance and suppress metastasis in lung cancer. J Nanobiotechnology. 2021;19(1):152.

54. Zheng RR, Zhao LP, Chen XY, Liu LS, Liu YB, Chen XT, Wang C, Yu XY, Cheng H, Li SY. Metal-coordinated nanomedicine for combined tumor therapy by inducing paraptosis and apoptosis. J Control Release, 2021; 336:159-168.

55. Yuan P, Deng FA, Liu YB, Zheng RR, Rao XN, Qiu XZ, Zhang DW, Yu XY, Cheng H, Li SY. Mitochondria Targeted O 2 Economizer to Alleviate Tumor Hypoxia for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2021, 10 (12): 2100198.

56. Chang JS, Lin ZX, Liu YJ, Yang SM, Zhang Y, Yu XY*. Ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for the quantification of RNA and DNA methylation. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2021;197:113969.

57. Wu Q, Tian JH, He YX, Huang YY, Huang YQ, Zhang GP, Luo JD, Xue Q*, Yu XY*, Liu YH*. Zonisamide alleviates cardiac hypertrophy in rats by increasing Hrd1 expression and inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2021; 42(10):1587-1597.

58. Guo QR, Zhang LL, Liu JF, Li Z, Li JJ, Zhou WM, Wang H, Li JQ, Liu DY*, Yu XY*, Zhang JY*. Multifunctional microfluidic chip for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Nanotheranostics. 2021;5(1):73-89.

59. Zheng R, Chen X, Zhao L, Yang N, Guan R, Chen A, Yu XY, Cheng H, Wang C, Li S. A porphysome-based photodynamic O2 economizer for hypoxic tumor treatment by inhibiting mitochondrial respiration. Chem Commun (Camb). 2021;57(34):4134-4137.

60. Xiang Zhou, Jia-Qi Huang, Ling-Shan Liu, Fu-An Deng, Yi-Bin Liu, Yan-Mei Li, A-Li Chen, Xi-Yong Yu, Shi-Ying Li, Hong Cheng. Self-Remedied Nanomedicine for Surmounting the Achilles’ Heel of Photodynamic Tumor Therapy. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021; 4 (11):8023-8032.

61. Qin A, Chen S, Wang P, Huang X, Zhang Y, Liang L, Du LR, Lai DH, Ding L, Yu XY*, Xiang AP*. Knockout of NOS2 Promotes Adipogenic Differentiation of Rat MSCs by Enhancing Activation of JAK/STAT3 Signaling. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021; 9: 638518.

62. Wang Y, Xie W, Liu B, Huang H, Luo W, Zhang Y, Pan X, Yu XY, Shen Z, Li Y. Stem cell-derived exosomes repair ischemic muscle injury by inhibiting the tumor suppressor Rb1-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021; 6(1):121.

63. Li Y, Huang H, Liu B, Zhang Y, Pan X, Yu XY, Shen Z, Song YH. Inflammasomes as therapeutic targets in human diseases. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021; 6(1):247. doi: 10.1038/s41392-021-00650-z.

64. Wu X, Liu Z, Yu XY*, Xu S, Luo J*. Autophagy and cardiac diseases: Therapeutic potential of natural products. Med Res Rev. 2021; 41(1):314-341.

65. Meng JX#, Qin YY#, Chen JZ, Wei LH, Huang XR, Yu XY*, Lan HY*. Treatment of Hypertensive Heart Disease by Targeting Smad3 Signaling in Mice. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2020; 18: 791-802.

66. Li H, Peng Q, Yang L, Lin Y, Chen S, Qin Y, Li S*, Yu XY*, Zhang L*. High-Performance Dual Combination Therapy for Cancer Treatment with Hybrid Membrane-Camouflaged Mesoporous Silica Gold Nanorods. ACS Appl Mater Inter. 2020;12(52):57732-57745.

67. Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Huang JQ, Chen XY, Deng FA, Liu YB, Huang CY, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Self-Delivery Photo-Immune Stimulators for Photodynamic Sensitized Tumor Immunotherapy. ACS Nano, 2020;14(12):17100-17113.

68. Wang Y#, Jiang XY#, Yu XY*. BRD9 controls the oxytocin signaling pathway in gastric cancer via CANA2D4, CALML6, GNAO1, and KCNJ5. Translational Cancer Research, 2020; 9(5):3354-3366.

69. Liu YJ, Kyne M, Wang C, Yu XY*. Data mining in Raman imaging in a cellular biological system. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2020; 18: 2920–2930.

70. Liang L, Fu JJ, Wang SR, Cen HY, Zhang LM, Mandukhail SR, Du LR, Wu QN, Zhang PQ, Yu XY*. MiR-142-3p enhances chemosensitivity of breast cancer cells and inhibits autophagy by targeting HMGB1. Acta Pharm Sin B, 2020;10(6):1036-1046.

71. Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Chen HQ, Liu LS, Zhao XY, Liu HH, Qiu XZ, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. Self-Delivery Nanomedicine for O2-economized photodynamic tumor therapy.  Nano Lett. 2020; 20(3):2062-2071.

72. Zhang L, Deng S, Zhang Y, Peng Q, Li H, Wang P, Fu X, Lei X, Qin A*, Yu XY*. Homotypic Targeting Delivery of siRNA with Artificial Cancer Cells. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2020; 9(9):e1900772.

73. Chen MY, Xiao ZK, Lei XP, Li JX, Yu XY, Zhang JY, Ye GD, Guo YJ, Mo GG, Li CW, Zhang Y, Zhang LM, Lin ZQ, Fu JJ*. Preparation, characterization and in vitro–in vivo evaluation of bortezomib supermolecular aggregation nanovehicles.  J Nanobiotechnology, 2020; 18: 57.

74. Wang J, Jiang X, Zhao L, Zuo S, Chen X, Zhang L, Lin Z, Zhao X, Qin Y, Zhou X, Yu XY*. Lineage reprogramming of fibroblasts into induced cardiac progenitor cells by CRISPR/Cas9-based transcriptional activators. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2020; 10:313-326. Epub 2019 Sep 17.

75. Lei XP#, Zhong YH#, Huang LJ, Li SP, Fu JJ, Zhang LM, Zhang Y, Deng QD*, Yu XY*. Identification of a novel tumor angiogenesis inhibitor targeting Shh/Gli1 signaling pathway in Non-small cell lung cancer. Cell Death & Disease. 2020; 11(4):232(1-13).

76. Shao LB, Zhang Y, Pan XB, Liu B, Liang C, Zhang YQ, Wang YL, Yan B, Xie WP, Sun Y, Shen ZY, Yu XY, Li Y. Knockout of beta2 microglobulin enhances cardiac repair by modulating exosome imprinting and inhibiting stem cellinduced immune rejection. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020;77(5):937-952.

77. Zhang Y #, Wang Y #, Shao L #, Pan X #, Liang C, Liu B, Zhang Y, Xie W, Yan B, Liu F, Yu XY, Li Y *.  Knockout of beta-2 microglobulin reduces stem cell-induced immune rejection and enhances ischemic hindlimb repair via exosome/miR-24/Bim pathway. J Cell Mol Med. 2020; 24(1):695-710.

78. Zhang Y#, Liu B, Zhao RZ, Zhang SD, Yu XY, Li Y*. The Influence of Sex on Cardiac Physiology and Cardiovascular Diseases. J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2020; 13(1):3-13.

79. Fan JH, Fan GL, Yuan P, Deng FA, Liu LS, Zhou X, Yu XY*, Cheng H*, Li SY*. A theranostic nanoprobe for hypoxia imaging and photodynamic tumor therapy. Front. Chem., 2019; 7:868.

80. Cheng H, Fan GL, Fan JH, Yuan P, Deng FA, Qiu XZ, Yu XY, Li SY. Epigenetics-inspired photosensitizer modification for plasma membrane-targeted photodynamic tumor therapy. Biomaterials. 2019; 224:119497(1-13).

81. Zhang LM, Wang P, Xie YZY, Wang L, Deng S, Qin AP, Yu XY*, Zheng WF*, and Jiang XY. Triple Targeting Delivery of CRISRP/Cas9 to Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases. Angew Chem Int Edit. 201958(36):12404-12408.

82. Cheng H, Fan JH, Zhao LP, Fan GL, Zheng RR, Qiu XZ, Yu XY*, Li SY*, Zhang XZ. Chimeric peptide engineered exosomes for dual-stage light guided plasma membrane and nucleus targeted photodynamic therapy. Biomaterials. 2019; 211: 14-24.

83. Han CS, Zhou J, Liu B, Liang C, Pan XB, Zhang Y, Zhang YQ, Wang YL, Shao LB, Zhu B, Wang JJ, Yin Q, Yu XY, Li Y*. Delivery of miR-675 by stem cell-derived exosomes encapsulated in silk fibroin hydrogel prevents aging- induced vascular dysfunction in mouse hindlimb. Materials Science & Engineering C. 2019; 99: 322–332.

84. Zhu B, Zhang LL, Liang C, Liu B, Pan XB, Wang YL, Zhang YQ, Zhang Y, Xie WP, Yan B, Liu F, Yip HK, Yu XY, Li Y*. Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Prevent Aging-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction through a Novel Exosome/lncRNA MALAT1/NF-κB/TNF-α Signaling Pathway. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019; 2019:9739258.

85. Han C., Zhou J., Liang C., Liu B., Pan X., Zhang Y., Wang Y., Yan B., Xie W., Liu F., Yu XY, Li Y, Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell derived exosomes encapsulated in functional peptide hydrogel promote cardiac repair. Biomater. Sci., 2019;7(7):2920-2933.

86. Li Y, Shen ZY, Yu XY. Letter Regarding Article, "Dectin-1 Contributes to Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Regulating Macrophage Polarization and Neutrophil Infiltration". Circulation, 2019;140(5):e177-e178.

87. Cheng H, Fan GL, Fan JH, Zhao LP, Zheng RR, Yu XY*, Li SY*. Ratiometric theranostic nanoprobe for pH imaging-guided photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale. 2019;11(18):9008-9014.

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