共同大会主席:王新华、裴端卿、刘金保、Peter Stambrook
二、 会议时间和地点
会议将于2016年12月8 - 11日在广东省广州市举行,具体地点详情见第二轮通知。初步安排:
1. 12月8日(周四):报到
2. 12月9-10日(周五和周六):学术交流
3. 12月11日(周日):撤离
1. 心脏重构性疾病的表观遗传与表观遗传药理学研究进展;
2. 血管重构性疾病的表观遗传与表观遗传药理学研究进展;
3. 支气管重构性疾病的表观遗传与表观遗传药理学研究进展;
4. 肺癌代谢重构的表观遗传与表观遗传药理学研究进展;
5. 病理性微环境与心血管干细胞相互调节作用的研究进展;
6. 胸腔重大慢性疾病防治的临床药学与精准医疗。
凡在近期发表(1年内)或尚未公开发表的,且与上述议题相关的研究论文、专题报告、综述等均可以摘要的形式投稿。摘要可采用中文或英文书写,须包含作者、单位、通讯地址及邮编、Email地址、联系电话。字数500-800字。字体:小四号,中文宋体,英文Times New Roman。行距:1.5倍。
1. 有意在本次会议上做报告的学者,请在Email的第一行注明:“申请口头报告”,并附上个人简介(300字左右,请包含可以联系到的Email邮箱和手机号)。专业委员会将遴选发言者,并另行通知。会议还将提供展板,用于壁报交流。
2. 会议期间将举办青年优秀论文评选,参评者(第一作者)年龄35岁以下(1981年1月1日以后出生,以身份证为准),其研究工作主要在国内完成,入选后必须由本人演讲,参加会上评审。参评者需提供摘要、详细全文(word或pdf格式)、身份证扫描件,并请在Email的第一行注明:“参加青年优秀论文评选”。经专业委员会初审后遴选发言者,并另行通知。
3. 会议投稿一律采用电子邮件,主题填写:2016表观遗传药理会议,邮件注明投稿(或参会)作者的联系方式,稿件以附件形式发送。投稿邮箱:epi2016_guangzhou@163.com 。投稿截止时间:2016年10月15日。
中国工程院医药卫生学部 广 东 省 药 理 学 会 |
2016 International Frontier Forum of
Pharmacoepigenetics and Biomedicine
First Announcements
Epigenetic regulation plays a key role in the development and treatment of human diseases. The rapidly emerging novel discipline, called pharmacoepigenetics, integrate the study of epigenetics and clinical pharmacology to offers another level of explanation for drug response and identify new biomarkers that are amenable for targeted manipulation. To promote the development and communication in this field,Department of Medicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Engineering,and Guangdong Society of Pharmacology will co-host and Guangzhou Medical University will organize the 1st International Frontier Forum of Pharmacoepigenetics and Biomedicine ( IFFPB ) in Guangzhou, China.
The theme of the forum this year is “Epigenetic regulation and the frontiers in Biomedicine”. We have arranged an attractive program designed to generate ideas in epigenetics-based drug development, identification of novel therapeutic targets & clinical applications, and promote networking in pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences and translational medicine. The forum will include distinguished plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations of recent accepted papers/unpublished manuscripts and Young Investigator Award Award Competition.
1. Forum Organization
Hosts: Department of Medicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Guangdong Society of Pharmacology
Organizer:Guangzhou MedicalUniversity
Co-organizers:School ofPharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-sen Univ.
School ofPharmaceuticalSciences, SouthernMedicalUniv.
SchoolofPharmaceuticalSciences, Guangzhou Medical Univ.
Chairpersons: Bao-Feng Yang, Nan-Shan Zhong
Co-chairpersons: Xin-Hua Wang,Duan-Qing Pei,
Jin-Bao Liu, Peter Stambrook
Executive Chairpersons: Xi-Yong Yu
Co-Executive Chairperson: Dong-Mei Li, Min Huang,
Pei-Qing Liu, Shu-Wen Liu
General Secretaries: Ze-Min Yang, Pei-Quan Zhang, Yu-Liang Feng
2. Time and Place:
Dec.8th :Arrival and Check-in
Dec.9th and 10th :Meeting
Dec.11th :Check-out and leaving
Guangzhou,China (The address in detail will be announced in 2nd notice.)
3. Major Topics:
a. Progress in Epigenetics and Pharmacoepigenetics about Cardiac Remodeling
b. Progress in Epigenetics and Pharmacoepigenetics about Vessel Remodeling
c. Progress in Epigenetics and Pharmacoepigenetics about Bronchial
d. Progress in Epigenetics and Pharmacoepigenetics about Metabolic Remodeling in Lung Cancer
e. Progress in Crosstalk of Pathologic Niche and Cardiovascular Stem Cells.
f. Clinical Pharmacy and Precision Medicine in Major Chronic Thoracic Diseases
4. Call for abstracts
Authors are invited to submit abstracts from recent published (within 1 year) or unpublished manuscripts (original articles, review etc.) that demonstrate the advances in the above mentioned subjects. Abstract can be either in Chinese or English, including authors, institutions, physical address and zip code, email(s), and telephone numbers. Abstracts are limited to 500-800 words, 12-point front size, SimSun (Chinese)/Times New Roman (English), 1.5 line spacing.
The applicants can participate in the poster or oral presentation and should indicate their preference for oral presentation in the first line of email with a mini-CV (around 300 words, including email and cell phones numbers). The final poster/oral presenters will be selected and informed by the conference committee.
Moreover, the Young Investigator Award Competition will be held during the forum and the applications will be considered someone only under the age of 35 years old based on ID information (DOB was after 1981.01.01). The applicants should submit their work which was finished inChina(abstract and full text in Word/PDF) and indicate “Young Investigator Award” in the first line of email. Finalists will be selected and informed by the conference committee and they are mandatory to present the work by themselves.
All the abstracts should submit to the email epi2016_guangzhou@163.com as attachments before the deadline 2016.10.15. The subject “2016 Pharmacoepigenetics Meeting” and attendee contact information should also be written in the email.
5. Registration fee
On-site: non-student: 800 RMB, student: 400 RMB (with student ID);
Early bird: non-student: 700 RMB, student: 300 RMB (before 2016.11.15)
Bank: Guangzhou Guangfa Building Branch, China Guangfa Bank,
Name of account:GuangdongSociety of Pharmacology;
Account no.: 101001516010010542
Please send email or SMS to the conference affair group once the wire transfer is finished. The registration fee includes conference participation, conference materials, lunch, dinner and coffee/tea breaks. Accommodation and transportation is excluded.
6. Miscellaneous
Please fill the form (Attachment 1) and send it back with the abstract before 2016.10.15 to the email: epi2016_guangzhou@163.com;
Conference website:
Conference Affair Group:
Yu Zhang: Tel:13825153936,E-mail:qianedyzy@163.com
Wen-Huan Ma: Tel:18665659715,E-mail:1606633549@qq.com